About the packages 

Why would you choose to train with me in the best-equipped studio in Leiden? The answer is pretty simple: I have more than a decade of experience in sports and coaching.
So, with my guidance, I can guarantee you will have a comfortable time out of your comfort zone in every training session.
Do you want to know more about my offers and prices? Explore your absolute limits and beyond with pleasure?
Then, click on the link below to contact me.
By the way, your intake session is free of charge.

Personal Training

It's designed for every level of every age group. My area of expertise is very broad. This means if you are a young professional athlete who wants to perform at the highest level possible or a middle-aged person who wants to stay fit and functional, I will be able to channel all my focus and experience on you to help you achieve your goals.

Group training 

Are you a sporty family who likes to work out together, or do you enjoy working out with your friends? Then you are in luck, with my special and specific circuit training methods, you will sweat and have fun with your loved ones.


We live in a dangerous world, although that’s not the only reason to learn how to defend yourself. Getting to know your body and how to use it to your advantage is an immense real confidence boost.
With more than a decade of experience in martial arts, I'd be your ideal coach to lead you through this beautiful journey. 



As a professional fighter, I've dealt with so many injuries, and I have learned my lessons of what not to do and how to recover from them.

Also, as a certified trainer, I pursue this important part of sport not only with my experience but also with science and knowledge.

I feel like getting younger every day using my recovery methods, and I can help you feel the same.